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ravenigma started discussion Crunching on GTX 750 Ti
Just upgraded to an EVGA GTX 750 Ti FTW from an Intel HD 4000. I'm excited about the increase in output and just want to...
16th February 2015
Quote:It's worth noting that the credit granting is really "apples-to-apples" in all respects: * the intel GPU...
6th February 2015
Thanks for the information. I looked at random sample of 10 tasks from both the Valid and Invalid lists and it does seem...
5th February 2015
Just recently started crunching E@H with the iGPU on my i7-3770k after selling off my GTX 680 cards. I'm currently seeing...
5th February 2015
Yes, I recently started crunching on i7-3770k/HD 4000 with CPU usage at 75%. I typically finish Einstein Intel GPU WUs in...
2nd February 2015