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Quote:Wow! That's a >160MB file!! It's also 100 years old. :) Try finding it in print sometime. :) Quote...
4th January 2008
Quote:Quote:[…] no one has produced, in the lab, many of the nebular lines (including the very common green [OIII]...
4th January 2008
Quote:IIRC, in at least one of Manuel's paper there is a case presented for D meeting requirements 1 and 4. However,...
3rd January 2008
Quote:More substantively, it's clear, from the Birkeland quote (that you have reproduced here), that he (Birkeland)...
3rd January 2008
Quote:One more technique that constrains the (baryonic) composition of the ISM: interstellar scintillation, which may...
2nd January 2008