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Quote:Quote:(2) Since I joined BOINC (Seti and Einstein) I've wondered about these messages "Wed Oct 18 17:28:24 2006|...
19th October 2006
Quote:Quote:I've had problems recently S@h not willing to download new wu's for hours when prompted every 60 seconds...
19th October 2006
Quote:Quote:* Use no more than = 50% of total disk space (Beyond my horizon. How decide? I stick to default.) I...
18th October 2006
I add the rest of my General preference pane. I was interupted by the 60-minutes-limit for editing messages. I hope you...
13th October 2006
Quote:Quote: Oops, of course. I'll come back later if I can copy it into ordinary text somehow (how do I do that?), if...
13th October 2006