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Neither the Arecibo task nor the Rosetta Beta 5.98 task when 'running' in the task tab will display graphics, even though...
9th October 2009
Am now running with the MS drivers and am seeing the same behaviour as my last post. Will wait and watch the...
5th October 2009
Further report. I have re-installed the Realtek drivers and now see the following behaviour - On the Tasks tab...
5th October 2009
Boinc screensaver. Boinc mgr 6.6.36 & .38 wxWidgets version 2.8.7 Toshiba S10 laptop Intel Core 2duo p8600 @2.4ghz...
2nd October 2009
Just a simple request. Since all constellations are delineated in the graphics, how about highlighting Polaris as a point...
10th May 2009