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Bernd wrote:I just issued version 1.09 CPU Beta app versions for OSX (PPC,x86,x64) and 64Bit Linux. This update is...
2nd June 2014
My G5 Mac received the ALTIVEC-Beta cruncher and graphics applications last night (but no new data). The first task...
12th April 2014
Hi Bernd. The (ALTIVEC-Beta) version is listed on the Applications page as running "on Intel". NG
10th April 2014
Nigel Garvey commented on "Unsent"
Quote:I don't understand why this task wasn't sent to anybody else, and if it wasn't, why is it still "pending"? It's...
23rd July 2013
Quote:I just got an error, too. On a very first workunit immediately after start, but the next two are crunching Ok (...
18th July 2013