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I don't have /dev/kbd, and /dev/mouse. I do have /dev/input/mice, and /dev/input/mouse0 I don't know if the following...
25th October 2007
Version: boinc_5.10.21_i686-pc-linux-gnu (downloaded it yesterday)
23rd October 2007
I have configured boinc to run only when idle. This setting works when you are using the keyboard, boinc processing is...
22nd October 2007
Scores: 648.30, 647.14, 647.13 all on very slow computers. The score 648.30 took 644,597.26 seconds to compute (PIII 550...
24th September 2007
I have only linux systems, the following lines in the log-file surprises me: 2007-02-21 21:20:43 [Einstein@Home] 4...
22nd February 2007