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IMHO credit is worth nothing because it isn't involved in data processing so why should one use optimize BOINC clients?...
24th March 2006
Quote: How can we tell if we are getting the small or large work units? I suggest that this occurs because of the...
23rd March 2006
Quote:As far as 20c/kwh goes I'll file that as reason not to move to CA #392. I'm only paying 8. :) 0.20$/kWh as...
22nd March 2006
Quote: I've replaced s38 with s39 in PII,and err rised.That's the reason? 2006-3-22 20:41:06|Einstein@Home|Aborting...
22nd March 2006
I guess any DC programm can be optimized furher so this is no reason to leave Einstein@home and come back ... Even if we "...
21st March 2006