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Quote: AS of now, I have BOTH GTX580 cards installed in the Gigabyte Mobo... one slot is x16 and the other is x4......
12th November 2012
Hey folks, just wanted to chime in and share my experiences with this little cache SSD I picked up, which is a Corsair...
12th November 2012
dmike commented on OpenCL for intel
Oh, alrighty then, thanks for the info. If and when it becomes available I'll be ready to give it a go. I sent Bikeman...
8th November 2012
dmike commented on OpenCL for intel
Sorry, let me be clear. I have no other OpenCL devices except the HD4000 on my i7 ivy bridge. So, if I install...
8th November 2012
dmike commented on OpenCL for intel
I have an ivy bridge and no openCL devices. I'd be willing to test for ya. PM sent.
8th November 2012