The Last Person To Post---#51

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I have just heard the sad

I have just heard the sad news that the king of Tory Island has died. He was a great bloke and a good accordian player.


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I think animal guests in the

I think animal guests in the yard (or the garden if you speak UK English) has been a topic here, so I hope this is not out of line.

Yesterday morning I glanced out the glass beside our front door and spotted a deer busily denuding our Indian Hawthorn bushes of their leaves.  Somewhat to my surprise he was still there when I returned with my camera, and he and his companion swung around their heads and riveted their gaze at me when I opened the front door not to be shooting through glass.

Picky details:  These chaps were about 30 feet from me.  The bushes they like to eat are Indian Hawthorn.  A few minutes after this shot, I rudely sprayed the bushes with a commercial deer repellent which packs lots of pepper into a base of rotten eggs.  A few deer can be treasured for glimpses of grace.  A lot of deer becomes a nuisance, stripping your plant life down to bare branches, and catching drivers by surprise with about a million deer deaths and 200 human deaths resulting from collisions each recent year in the USA. 


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archae86 wrote:I think animal

archae86 wrote:

I think animal guests in the yard (or the garden if you speak UK English) has been a topic here, so I hope this is not out of line.

Yesterday morning I glanced out the glass beside our front door and spotted a deer busily denuding our Indian Hawthorn bushes of their leaves.  Somewhat to my surprise he was still there when I returned with my camera, and he and his companion swung around their heads and riveted their gaze at me when I opened the front door not to be shooting through glass.

Picky details:  These chaps were about 30 feet from me.  The bushes they like to eat are Indian Hawthorn.  A few minutes after this shot, I rudely sprayed the bushes with a commercial deer repellent which packs lots of pepper into a base of rotten eggs.  A few deer can be treasured for glimpses of grace.  A lot of deer becomes a nuisance, stripping your plant life down to bare branches, and catching drivers by surprise with about a million deer deaths and 200 human deaths resulting from collisions each recent year in the USA. 

As my wife and I drove the 3 hours home yesterday after spending Thanksgiving with our 2 grandkids, 2 sons and 1 daughter-in-law I saw 4 deer laying on the side of the hi-way. One of them was almost gone from the animals having their own Thanksgiving meals but the other 3 were hit earlier in the day and other than being obviously dead no animals had found them yet.

HEY we have a WINNER!!! CONGRATULATIONS goes to Archae86, YOU are the winner of this game!!!

You know what to do next!!

Joined: 6 Dec 05
Posts: 3148
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mikey wrote:You know what to

mikey wrote:
You know what to do next!!

Actually, I don't.  Could you advise me, or point me to the instructions?


[Edit a few minutes later--I found instructions posted a while back by Mikey, and have attempted compliance in starting Number 52]

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