Einstein@Home server status page

Page last updated 18 Apr 2024, 14:05:02 UTC

Project daemons

Program HostStatus
DB purgereinstein4Running
Scheduler log publishereinstein10Running
file upload handler mediumeinstein3Running
file upload handler largeeinstein3Running
file upload handler mediumeinstein4Running
file upload handler largeeinstein4Running
file upload handler mediumeinstein5Running
file upload handler largeeinstein5Running
file upload handler mediumeinstein12Running
file upload handler largeeinstein12Running
FGRP5 work generatoreinstein4Running
FGRP5 validatoreinstein4Running
FGRP5 assimilatoreinstein4Running
FGRP5 file deletereinstein4Running
FGRPB1G work generatoreinstein4Not Running
FGRPB1G validatoreinstein4Running
FGRPB1G validatoreinstein5Running
FGRPB1G assimilatoreinstein4Running
FGRPB1G assimilatoreinstein5Running
FGRPB1G file deletereinstein4Running
FGRPB1G file deletereinstein5Running
BRP4 work generatoreinstein4Running
BRP4 validatoreinstein4Running
BRP4 assimilatoreinstein4Running
BRP4 file deletereinstein4Running
BRP4 e6 file deletereinstein4Running
wugcontrol BRP4A.pyeinstein4Running
BRP4A validatoreinstein4Running
BRP4A assimilatoreinstein4Running
BRP4A file deletereinstein4Running
BRP4G work generatoreinstein4Not Running
BRP4G validatoreinstein4Running
BRP4G assimilatoreinstein4Running
BRP4G file deletereinstein4Running
BRP4G e6 file deletereinstein4Running
wugcontrol BRP7.pyeinstein5Disabled
wugcontrol BRP7DNS.pyeinstein5Running
BRP7both validatoreinstein3Running
BRP7 assimilatoreinstein3Running
BRP7 file deletereinstein3Running
BRP7both validatoreinstein5Running
BRP7 assimilatoreinstein5Running
BRP7 file deletereinstein5Running
O3ASHF1b work generatoreinstein5Disabled
O3ASHF1a validatoreinstein3Running
O3ASHF1b validatoreinstein3Running
O3ASHF1b2 validatoreinstein3Running
O3ASHF1 assimilatoreinstein3Running
O3ASHF1a assimilatoreinstein3Running
O3AS file deletereinstein3Running
Running: Program is operating normally
Not Running: Program failed or ran out of work
(or the project is down)
Disabled: Program has been disabled by staff
(for debugging/maintenance)

Workunits and tasks

Tasks total 1,396,381 701,088 474,752 315,896 270,531 51,134 6 3,209,788
Tasks to send 68,529 4,590 9,340 9,706 1 3,970 0 96,136
Tasks in progress 253,811 270,799 121,632 60,097 23,719 4,972 0 735,030
Tasks valid 811,931 264,507 270,577 132,470 213,637 15,982 4 1,709,108
Tasks invalid 8,059 389 343 35,469 439 1,548 1 46,248
Tasks inconclusive 4,544 609 137 34,127 120 1,157 0 40,694
Tasks pending 181,750 45,966 19,405 30,882 20,304 3,710 0 302,017
Tasks failed 62,567 99,532 36,537 10,429 10,667 19,465 1 239,198
Tasks too late 227 772 3,387 73 170 0 0 4,629
Workunits total 659,015 472,468 345,636 126,543 128,660 14,590 0 1,746,912
Workunits without canonical result 253,206 252,585 118,893 59,935 21,977 6,601 0 713,197
(from successful tasks last week)
149 3,737 5,382 598 299 0 0 10,165
CPU weeks
(from successful tasks last week)
489 11,795 17,077 3,789 778 10 0 33,938
Granted credit / 100
(from successful tasks last week)
24,789,987 1,647,089 1,288,850 75,054 20,382,100 8,588 0 48,191,668
Workunits finished last week 405,771 218,552 226,697 66,588 106,660 7,988 0 1,032,256
Workunits waiting for validation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Workunits waiting for assimilation 2 0 6 1 0 0 0 9
Workunits waiting for file deletion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Tasks waiting for file deletion 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Replica behind master0s
Transitioner backlog1s
Participants with credit494,033
Participants registered in past 24h17
Participants active last two weeks16,202
Host computers
Hosts registered in past 24h95
Hosts with credit2,073,221
Hosts active last two weeks33,052
CPU cores of active hosts378,213
GPU productivity (last 7 days)
Hosts w/ ATI/AMD GPU3,327
Hosts w/ NVIDIA GPU8,761
Hosts w/ INTEL HD GPU8,513
Hosts w/ Apple M GPU716
Validating hosts w/ ATI/AMD GPU1,874
Validating hosts w/ NVIDIA GPU7,929
Validating hosts w/ INTEL GPU1,823
Validating hosts w/ Apple M GPU155
Avg daily valid results (ATI/AMD)29,713
Avg daily valid results (NVIDIA)93,278
Avg daily valid results (INTEL)8,376
Avg daily valid results (Apple M)1,876
Avg daily credit (ATI/AMD)142,603,702
Avg daily credit (NVIDIA)167,939,021
Avg daily credit (INTEL)10,441,498
Avg daily credit (Apple M)119,134
Computing capacity
Floating point speed
(from recent average credit of all users)
10165.4 TFLOPS

O3ASHF1b search progress

Total WUsWUs leftWUs last daydays left

FGRP5 search progress

Total needed Already done Work still remaining
112,180,481 units108,938,680 units3,241,801 units
2520.0 days2444.2 days75.8 days (estimated)
done per day (averaged over 5 d): 42,751 units

FGRPB1G search progress

Total needed Already done Work still remaining
175,921,402 units173,311,242 units2,610,160 units
INF days2675.2 daysINF days (estimated)
done per day (averaged over 5 d): 0 units

BRP4 search progress

Total WUsWUs leftWUs last daydays left
GBT 22,031,744975,52001
Arecibo 301,396,51173,420,765345,922212

BRP7 search progress

Total WUsWUs leftWUs last daydays left
old 10,581,255000
dns 15,200,000-16,39178,527-0

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under Grants PHY-1104902, PHY-1104617 and PHY-1105572 and by the Max Planck Gesellschaft (MPG). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the investigators and do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSF or the MPG.

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