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If I am attached to multiple projects, do I need to run BOINC Manager for everything to work properly? Thanks, Ron K.
1st May 2009
Quote:Does this box only do Boinc or is it used for "everyday use"? P4 box is a dedicated BOINC cruncher. I use...
24th December 2005
Quote:Quote:Long story short - I was using dual channel until I did a flash BIOS update and the dual channel started...
24th December 2005
Quote:AMD does more work per clockcycle than P4's (I'm not including HT into this.) No HT in the P4 box....
24th December 2005
I just added another puter to my BOINC farm, a IBM NetVista, Intel P4 Willamette 1.8GHz with SSE2 and 256Meg of 133MHz...
24th December 2005