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That WMAP linked site says the universe is flat. Was this finding, when it was made, expected? How will the rate of...
22nd September 2005
verty commented on CPU usage limit
Quote:If that can work so well, why can't Bonics limit utilization to x% or 0.x fraction on a single CPU system?...
13th September 2005
This thread is pretty old, I had forgotten about it. The small amount of efficiency gained is surely outweighed by having...
10th September 2005
They'll find out soon enough that the result is bogus, but I think it is good that you have mentioned it here. It would...
7th September 2005
Quote:No Chipper, NOTHING IS REAL , we are just dreaming , the REALITY is hidden behing the VEIL , after death we will...
7th September 2005