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Quote:Disregard, reboot fixed it. Business as usual :) So is v1.31 still slower than 1.28...?
14th November 2012
Quote:Quote:Can anyone please decipher the error message below...? If you run Linux, then see this BOINC FAQ. Nope...
10th November 2012
Can anyone please decipher the error message below...? 7.0.31 process exited with code 234 (0xea, -22) dyld:...
10th November 2012
Correction, CUDA on OS X Mountain Lion is totally unusable with the following error log: OpenCL: NVIDIA GPU 0: GeForce...
11th July 2012
Hi HB, How's the development from your end coming in...? For the record, I've installed Mountain Lion on my external...
11th July 2012