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Here's a good news - the estimated time for S5 is stable at last. It stays around 426.4-426.5 days. At least it stopped...
10th August 2006
Yes, it's frustrating to watch how pending WUs are piling up, and the estimated time for S5 is growing on ominously. Well...
27th July 2006
Quote:All those WUs, all that number crunching on thousands of PCs, ... and the (early look) results are? When can we...
27th July 2006
Quote:This is due to their strange setup. Michael Thanks, Michael. I read the thread but it seems this old problem...
25th July 2006
My machine got paired on a WU with one of those recently, and I looked at all that crunching power just out of curiosity....
25th July 2006