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littleBouncer commented on No work
Danke für die prompte Antwort! Ja ich lasse meine Rechner nur CPU-Arbeiten crunchen. Compis:
15th January 2014
littleBouncer started discussion No work
[url]Seit einigen Tagen kriegen meine Compis keine Arbeit mehr....
15th January 2014
littleBouncer started discussion Graphik Problem ?
are there graphik problems? Because I can't see the histogramm in the top right corner (Arecibo Power Spectrum) when I...
7th February 2013
I passed yesterday 1 Mio Credits on Einstein keep on crunching^^ littleBouncer
11th November 2011
Same for my 2 hosts here, since a few days, when I had to change the prefs.-setting for getting work (only for CPU)....
3rd October 2011