Growing planets and moons

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Topic 190961

just curious, anybody have any opinions or comments about this growing planets and moons stuff

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Growing planets and moons

just curious, anybody have any opinions or comments about this growing planets and moons stuff

it is a cool parody of pseudo-science and now each time i meet a pseudo-scientist trying to convince me in his theories i will point him to the link above and ask him if he believes the theory presented there :) hehe
i wonder what i'll be able to read on his face :)

oh faces on mars in cydonia region anybody ? - can u see them growing ?
Since the voyager expedition they have grown by 10 inches as new data from the latest Mars reconnesance mission indicates :)
i was going to provide the NASA link for the prove of it but, ehm, they have suddenly withdrew these revealing facts from the society eyes in order not to seed the panic :/

Chipper Q
Chipper Q
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Well, aside from the way

Well, aside from the way older geological surface features appear to line up, to me it doesn't necessarily imply a change in size. A bigger question is, would a change in size also correspond to a change in mass? Or is there some force from (or near) the core driving an expansion? I'm not an expert, but such a dramatic change in size (over 50% in a period of millions of years for Mars) seems quite hard to explain.

It's obvious that molten material is forced to the surface in various circumstances, so I think it makes more sense to explain the way that older features may have once lined up, is by using currents and flows of material below the surface, rather than a change in size. Also, I would think that the example shown for Enceladus provides the easiest way to understand it, since in that case the 'molten material' below the surface is mostly water:

(Click the pic to go to the source article)

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