Need to permanently change priority of E@H

Joined: 22 Jan 05
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Topic 187442

I'm sorry if this has been asked before(If it was asked within the last 24 hours, I'll look like a dufus, but I went through about 6 pages last night looking for the asnwer). Anyway...

I'm running Riesel Sieve with this project and discovered that if I put E@H at a slightly higher priority than the normal one that they both split the available cpu 50/50(actually 49/49 for the nitpickers :) ).

How can I make this permanent? I've seen some of the 3rd-party software mentioned, but the descriptions didn't seem to cover priority settings.

thanks in advance.

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Need to permanently change priority of E@H

60 minute edit limit? I'm liking this forum less and less, and it has nothing to do with the individuals populating it.

Anyway: Threadstarter(or whatever it's called) doesn't seem to accomplish anything. Yes, I entered the filename and percentage preference in quotes. That's the correct way, right?

Anyway, if someone would tell me the text to enter into a batch file to cause Einstein to go to priority Below_Normal and stay there, I'll have a sunny disposition. Maybe something to enter into the Threadstarter(?) program?

Edit: AAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!! I just noticed that about 20 seconds after running the program it goes down to total cpu usage about 40%. So I was better off the way I was before!!!! WAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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after having read your post,

after having read your post, i sat down and wrote a little tool that should do the trick for you:

as the description is in german:
you have to add the process and the priority into the watchprocesspriority.config
as sample process, there is iexplore entered.

the prog needs .net 1.1 and as always, use on your own risk.

btw let me know if it did what you expect it to do

Joined: 24 Mar 07
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hey guys! there is a tool

hey guys!

there is a tool from mediaware that can do all of this stuff fully automatically.
it*s not completely free, though (shareware).


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