little question because of SERVER DOWN (yestrday)

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Topic 189235

is EINSTEIN@HOME runnning on linux "software" or why was einstein at home not reachable via the internet for such a long time (i was very worry)?

by the way: i myself run a boinc project and use a legallly bought windows 98 (network editiion) sotware packet (Compuserve-CD inclsuive and the first 500.0000.0000 h are FREE!) withouth any problems.

------panda schnitzel signatur--------

Bernd Machenschalk
Bernd Machenschalk
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little question because of SERVER DOWN (yestrday)

It was a hardware failure that caused the outage, and two other that kept us from getting up the backup server.

Yes, it's running Linux and the software is working quite well.



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